Welcome to the Leslie Saul & Associates Blog


This is Leslie, looking fab.

Welcome to the Leslie Saul & Associates blog.

Leslie Saul & Associates is an architecture and interior design firm in Boston with the very simple mission of making the world a better place to live, learn, work, pray and play. Really.

They’ve been at it for about 19 years now. And they kind of think the world really is a little better– at least in the small bits of it that they’ve had their hands on.

But there’s so much more to do!

And that’s what this blog’s all about.

Here’s where they’ll tell you about some of the projects they’ve worked on and their plans for the future. They’ll share design tips with you, engage in deep, probing discussions on such burning questions as what the difference is between a couch and a sofa. And it’s where you’ll get general observations of the world from the point of view of some designers who absolutely love what they do.

It’s a place for you to share your observations, too.

So watch this space. Leslie and her team plan to have fun, and they hope you’ll be along for the ride.

And while you’re at it, take a gander at the Leslie Saul & Associates Facebook page, too. Lots of great people dropping in there, and you’re invited to join in.